May 23, 2019 01:14 AM

Lower number of Within-day auctions published for auction start at 00:00 / 01:00 CEST

As a consequence of the previous incident, the number of published Within-day auctions with auction start 00:00 CEST and 01:00 CEST is still at a lower level. This problem is expected to continue until the start of the new gas day.

Message ID


Publication date and Time

May 23, 2019 01:14 AM

Event start



Market participant

PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH

Affected Asset or Unit

PRISMA platform

Reason of the unavailability

Incident on 22.05.2019

Available capacity



Shippers are advised to contact the respective TSO(s) selling the desired primary capacity and check whether the TSO(s) offer(s) fall back solution(s). You can access the fall back solution(s) here: fallback processes TSOs overview_final_20190109.xlsx

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