December 09, 2019 12:53 PM

Upcoming downtime 11.12.2019 02:55 - 05:05 CET (02:10h)

Due to urgent maintenance, the PRISMA platform will not be available on 11.12.2019 between 02:55 and 05:05 CET. It will not be possible to surrender capacity, book capacity via FCFS, or trade in the secondary market during this time frame. Any Trade Proposals, Responses to a Trade Proposal or Trades that expire during the downtime will not be restarted when the platform is available again. All Within-Day auctions which should start on 11.12.2019 at 03:00, 04:00 and 05:00 CET will be skipped and not repeated.

Message ID


Publication date and Time

December 09, 2019 12:53 PM

Event start


Upcoming downtime 11.12.2019 02:55 - 05:05 CET (02:10h)

Market participant

PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH

Affected Asset or Unit

PRISMA platform

Reason of the unavailability

Productive maintenance

Available capacity



Shippers are advised to contact the respective TSO(s) selling the desired primary capacity and check whether the TSO(s) offer(s) fall back solution(s). Please also refer to the following document for more information on TSO fallback procedures:

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