Urgent Market Messages

UMM archive

All new Urgent Market Messages can be found on the PRISMA Inside Information Platform (IIP). Please note, this UMM page is an archive of all Urgent Market Messages published until July 15th 2020 as well as a fallback in case our official IIP portal undergoes maintenance. To ensure you receive all UMMs published on PRISMA, please subscribe to the IIP RSS feed and the fallback RSS feed.

June 17, 2020 10:07 AM

Published yearly firm auction(s) update - Submission window reopening

PRISMA platform advises upcoming unavailability for all published yearly firm auctions on 18.06.2020 from 11:00 to 13:15 CE(S)T for updating marketable capacity at all network points of OGE, Ferngas, Thyssengas and any TSO, which chooses to update its products. The update affects bundled and unbundled auctions. Any previously-placed comfort bids for the updated auctions will not be transferred. Shippers who want to use the comfort bid functionality are requested to re-create comfort bids. This also affects comfort bids placed for auctions for the bundling partners at the affected network points.

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June 11, 2020 08:52 AM

Update of published monthly firm auction(s) of National Grid

PRISMA platform advises upcoming unavailability for all published monthly firm auctions on 11.06.2020 from 10:00 to 11:15 CE(S)T for updating marketable capacity at all network points of National Grid. The update affects bundled and unbundled auctions. Any previously-placed comfort bids for the updated auctions will not be transferred. Shippers who want to use the comfort bid functionality are requested to re-create comfort bids. This also affects comfort bids placed for auctions for the bundling partners at the affected network points.

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June 10, 2020 08:53 AM

Published yearly firm auction(s) update - Submission window reopening

PRISMA platform advises upcoming unavailability for all published yearly firm  auctions on 10.06.2020 from 12:00 to 14:00  for updating marketable capacity at all network points of several TSOs . The update affects bundled and unbundled auctions. Any previously-placed comfort bids for the updated auctions will not be transferred. Shippers who want to use the comfort bid functionality are requested to re-create comfort bids. This also affects comfort bids placed for auctions for the bundling partners at the affected network points.

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May 25, 2020 01:08 PM

Upcoming downtime 27.05.2020 02:55 - 05:05 CEST (02:10h)

Due to urgent maintenance, the PRISMA platform will not be available on 27.05.2020 between 02:55 and 05:05 CEST. It will not be possible to surrender capacity, book capacity via FCFS, or trade in the secondary market during this time frame. Any Trade Proposals, Responses to a Trade Proposal or Trades that expire during the downtime will not be restarted when the platform is available again. All Within-Day auctions which should start on 27.05.2020 at 03:00, 04:00 and 05:00 CEST will be skipped and not repeated.

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May 14, 2020 10:52 AM

Update of published monthly firm auction(s) of Gasunie Deutschland

PRISMA platform advises upcoming unavailability for all published monthly firm auctions on 14.05.2020 from 11:00 to 12:00 CE(S)T for updating marketable capacity of Gasunie Deutschland. The update affects bundled and unbundled auctions. Any previously-placed comfort bids for the updated auctions will not be transferred. Shippers who want to use the comfort bid functionality are requested to re-create comfort bids. This also affects comfort bids placed for auctions for the bundling partners at the affected network points.

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As the leading gas capacity trading platform, PRISMA acts as a supportive backbone for trading, booking and marketing gas capacity.